Poets often find themselves backed into a corner when writing more traditional rhyming poetry. They find they've ended a line with the unpromising word 'orange' and now accept to try to discover a word that rhymes with information technology, or else modify the offending discussion for something more rhyme-friendly. Simply 'earth' is a curious example: a common and useful word for a poet to apply, but one without many ready and available rhyming words. After all, what words rhyme with 'world'?

Below nosotros innovate some possible options, and propose some ways in which they might actually be woven into a verse form so that they rhyme with the word 'earth' but also sound natural and not overly forced.


This is surely a common discussion for poets to use precisely because it is one of the few well-known rhymes for 'globe'. The word 'unfurled' simply means 'spread something out from a rolled or folded country, especially in club to be open to the air current'. Then a flag might be unfurled when information technology'south put on a flagpole, or a leaf might get unfurled to the air current. Of course, the give-and-take might likewise be used metaphorically: for instance, to describe someone whose personality or spirit, previously kept folded up and locked abroad, has been 'unfurled' and let loose on the 'world'.

'Unfurled' is both the by tense form of 'unfurl' and the past participle form. So you can say that 'I have unfurled Ten' (e.yard., 'I unfurled the flag') or 'the flag that was unfurled' (or, if you lot wish to be more figurative, 'the heart that was unfurled').

The opening of Ralph Waldo Emerson's verse form 'Hold Hymn' provides a fine case of the unfurled/world rhyme in the context of flag-unfurling:

By the rude bridge that arched the alluvion,
Their flag to Apr's cakewalk unfurled,
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the globe.


More rarely, a poet might adopt the opposite of 'unfurled'. So 'furled' means 'neatly and securely rolled or folded up'. It'due south often used about things like umbrellas, which are rolled up when not in employ, merely again, the figurative possibilities are numerous.

The word 'furled' was memorably used – as a rhyme for 'world' – in Matthew Arnold's classic poem 'Dover Beach', written in 1851:

The Sea of Faith
Was in one case, too, at the total, and round earth's shore
Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furled.
But now I just hear
Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar,
Retreating, to the breath
Of the night-wind, downwards the vast edges drear
And naked shingles of the earth.


We all know what 'curled' ways, and many things tin be described equally curled or curled circular: pilus, a ophidian, the edges of a volume or canvass of newspaper, and and so on. And so 'curled' is an particularly versatile rhyme for 'world'.


Every bit with 'furled' and 'unfurled', so 'curled' finds its complementary opposite in 'uncurled', a verb significant to straighten out the curls in something – over again, hair is one obvious example.


A synonym for 'thrown', the word 'hurled' is a powerful, energetic verb which is also one of the few perfect rhymes for 'globe'. There's a expert example in Henry Vaughan's seventeenth-century verse form 'The World':

I saw Eternity the other night,
Similar a bully band of pure and endless low-cal,
All calm, as it was bright;
And circular beneath information technology, Time in hours, days, years,
Driv'n by the spheres
Like a vast shadow mov'd; in which the world
And all her train were hurl'd.


'Swirled' is perhaps the best and most perfect rhyming word for 'world', because it not only rhymes with information technology: 'swirled' fifty-fifty contains 'globe'.


With a like pregnant to 'swirled' – many words that rhyme with worldseem to denote a circular, coiled, or eddying motility or shape – this word also contains the sound of 'world', which is rather pleasing.


When is a rhyme non a rhyme? When it isrime riche, the French term for when ii homophones are rhymed, e.g.whirledandworld. Although i might quibble that theh should be aspirated inwhirled, these 2 words are obviously nearly identical in sound, at the very least. And once once more we have a strong, circular, eddying verb, which fits nicely with the roundness of 'earth'.

Pararhymes or half-rhymes for 'world':

Given the limited options for rhymes for 'earth', you lot might decide that pararhyme, or consonance, is a improve style to make the discussion 'world' chinkle with others at the ends of lines. Hither are some of the all-time matches.


'Wild' is one of the best half-rhymes for 'world', if consonance or pararhyme is what you're striving for, non to the lowest degree considering of the shared beginning and concluding letters ('w__ld'), as well as the established phrase, 'wild world'.


Some other good choice for the consonance of 'world' and 'willed', and the word 'willed' – as in 'the spirit willed me to strive', etc. – contains a tenacity and strength which may complement the grandeur and vastness of 'world' very neatly.


'Bold' is a mutual discussion and then would be quite a natural and organic 'fit' for a word like 'world'. Once more, they have the shared final consonants, simply because their initial sounds differ, the effect is more subtle and delicate. 'Bold' and 'world' could be brought together at the ends of next lines, for instance, but in a style that doesn't announced forced or artificial.

Similar 'willed', 'bold' is a prissy strong, spirited word.


We'll conclude this pick of words which rhyme with 'world' – or offer a good half-rhyme – with 'agree', another multi-purpose word which can be used to convey a variety of meanings.

A skilful example of the hold/world pararhyme is in the opening section of W. B. Yeats's 1919 poem 'The 2nd Coming', where the off-rhyme conveys the chaos into which the earth has been plunged. The one-time certainties are gone, so how can one perhaps autumn dorsum on the certainty of rhyme?

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the eye cannot agree;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the earth,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.